x-amples of piss-poor behavior...
"x-tra, x-tra, read all about it..."
the girls from high school had all turned fat.
'too many cheetos, not enough running around'
was the way that she figured it.
served them all right, anyway.
root cause didn't matter much.
root cause was only a
shallow excuse.
it was hard to feel sorry. those were the girls who had looked at her, up down & sideways, day in & day out, for years on top of years. they said sickening things:
"i heard he fucked you under the bridge, and when he was done fucking you, he came in your hair, he rubbed it around, and then he left. he left you there, all alone, in the dirt."
those girls. each with an eating disorder all her own. they wore them on the outside, like clothing.
there was no point in finishing high school. he had soft lips, thick hands, and was in adequate physical health. she allowed him to do however he pleased, and subsequently, their disagreements were few. he took pride in appearance, and bought her a cadillac for trips to the market.
she saw all of them there, those girls she had previously known. they were stuffing ring-dings into their tired old purses and smacking on cheap brands of gum.
the girls from high school had all turned fat.
'too many cheetos, not enough running around'
was the way that she figured it.
served them all right, anyway.
root cause didn't matter much.
root cause was only a
shallow excuse.
it was hard to feel sorry. those were the girls who had looked at her, up down & sideways, day in & day out, for years on top of years. they said sickening things:
"i heard he fucked you under the bridge, and when he was done fucking you, he came in your hair, he rubbed it around, and then he left. he left you there, all alone, in the dirt."
those girls. each with an eating disorder all her own. they wore them on the outside, like clothing.

she saw all of them there, those girls she had previously known. they were stuffing ring-dings into their tired old purses and smacking on cheap brands of gum.
this is fabulous. why must you make me weep every morning?
and those bitches were just jealous that they weren't getting any. i love you.
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